The First GHHIN Southeast Asia Heat Health Forum is seeking to tap into the collective wisdom in Southeast Asia and provide a platform for the sharing of ideas, research and strategies in the focus areas of (a) Urban heat; (b) Heat at Work as well as to begin a compilation of the (c) Cultural & Traditional knowledge of good practices on heat management within the region.
A wide array of disciplines is welcomed, such as architecture & urban design, clothing, food & agriculture, medicine, occupational & physical activity-related, and other cooling techniques etc. Selected case studies will be presented during the Forum in either poster or oral presentation formats.
Successful submissions may be selected for further developed for inclusion in a regional report; the secretariat will work with submitters of selected cases to produce concise summaries, which will be promoted and made available on the GHHIN website and, as appropriate, in subsequent publications.
Abstract submission dates:
- Submission closes: 13 Dec 2024
- Acceptance notification: 18 Dec 2024
Submission Guidelines:
All submissions must be written in English & submitted online through the abstract submission system by the deadline given above. Abstracts that are sent via e-mail will not be included in the abstract review process.
Abstracts must be submitted by the presenting author. Only one presenter is allowed per abstract.
Abstract Format:
Submissions must not exceed 1 page (A4, font size 12 pt, excluding images), and should clearly and concisely describe details of the following items:
- Title: Concise and descriptive title of the case study/ project. (Maximum 30 words)
- Authors: Full names and organizational affiliations (indicate which one is presenter)
- Country:
- Case Location & People Group (if applicable):
- Theme: Urban Heat / Heat at Work / Cultural & Traditional Practices of Heat Management
- Sub-Theme (select relevant theme): Architecture & Urban Design, Clothing, Food & Agriculture, Medicine, Occupational & Physical Activity-related, Other Cooling Techniques (name the area)
- Introduction (Including Background & Historical context, if relevant)
- Methods & Results (for focus area (c), alternatively provide a detailed description of the cultural or traditional practice(s). How does the practice affect the exposure or experience of heat?)
- Discussion (Including potential scientific basis for the practice, and opportunity to scale up, if applicable)
- Conclusion (Summarise the key good practices)
- Keywords: Include 3-5 keywords relevant to the research topic.
- Disclosure of Funding Sources & Conflict of Interest: Funding Sources for the research presented and disclosure of financial relationships that the author(s) may have with manufacturer/ supplier of any commercial products or services related to the work must be listed in the abstract. The conflict of interests must be disclosed. If there is none, authors can state: The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
Up to 2 graphics / images are permitted within the PDF as part of the submission (not part of the 1-page limit).
Review Process and Acceptance:
All abstracts will be reviewed by a subsection of the Organising Committee and evaluated on quality and robustness of the case studies. Acceptance notifications will be sent to the presenter author’s e-mail address.
Presentation At the Forum:
Instructions for preparation of poster presentations will be sent together with acceptance notification.
For each abstract, at least one author is expected to attend the Forum. The presenting author for the posters will be invited to register as a delegate and must pay the registration fee by the registration deadline for inclusion in the forum programme and the presentation schedule.